About Us

BIOFOODCENTER is a subsidiary of “Sinter-M” Jsc, and they are part of GEO GROUP. Construction activities of BIOFOODCENTER begin in the middle of 2006 by european program SAPARD. In 2008, the company began its business successfully.

The company proposes and implements a wide range of activities in buying, processing and marketing of fruit and vegetables - fresh and frozen, and refrigeration and storage space for rent. Production enterprise specialized in processing, shock freezing and storage of fruits and vegetables.
The company has presented the market with trademark "BON FOOD" for frozen vegetables, which is successfully imposed on the local market. Main finished products are packaged for wholesale, HORECA and 400 g, but the available packaging and weighing equipment company is able to offer different packages and customized.

The company offers transport with own vehicles IVECO DAILY with loading till 3.5 tons, fitted with refrigeration units to a location specified by the customer.
- Refrigerating rooms - 4 with a total area of ​​700 m2 / 3850 m3
- Four warehouses for the storage of fruits and vegetables
- A modern system for temperature control in refrigerating rooms
- Primary laboratory for analysis and evaluation of a host material
- Administrative premises separated enter / filters and bathrooms
BIOFOOD CENTER has a separate building registered as market producers certificate issued by the State Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Wholesale Markets.

The company's team consists of young people - professionals. Our success is due to:
• development of strategic partnerships;
• Good marketing policy;
• Excellent quality;
• Modern technology and equipment.
Our customers are an incentive to continue our  improvement of the range and quality of goods and services.

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